Zoonotic Diseases
Most organisms and viruses that cause diseases are very specialized to the species that they infect. Diseases that can affect multiple species are overall fairly rare. The ones that can be passed from animal to man are called zoonoses (zoe-uh-noe-sees). Rabies is the most well known of the zoonotic diseases; and for good reason –…
Your Aging Dog
With advancements in nutrition, vaccinations, and preventive medicine, dogs can live a lot longer than they did in previous decades. Older dogs can exhibit subtle symptoms that are easily written off as part of the normal aging process. It is often overlooked that there are physical causes of these changes, and when recognized early, the…
Worms and Internal Parasites
THE PARASITE PROBLEM Parasites are organisms that live in or on your dog, causing harm. Minimizing parasites is an important part of keeping your pet healthy. Some pet parasites can cause problems for people too, so keeping them out of your home is also good for you and your family. The most common internal parasites…
Whipworms are an intestinal parasite of dogs and rarely, cats. Human whipworm infection is not caused by the species of worm that infects our pets, so zoonoses is unlikely in healthy people. Female whipworms lay eggs intermittently and in low numbers, making them easy to miss during a fecal exam. The adult worms reach a…
Urinary Problems in Dogs
Dogs are much less prone to disease of the bladder and urethra as compared with cats. However, the lower urinary tract can be a site for inflammation, infection, stones, or obstructions. Signs that your dog may have lower urinary tract disease include difficulty urinating, urine that appears bloody or cloudy, foul-smelling urine, and frequent licking…
Training Your Dog
Our dogs retain many of the instincts of their wild canine ancestry. One of which is the dependence on a pack of family members to provide safety and sustenance. The pack establishes roles for each of its members to play, and knowing that role provides a level of confidence and security to all in the group. Likewise,…
The Limping Dog
The reasons a dog may start limping are numerous and are not always the result of an injury. Young dogs can have growth related pains, and old dogs can suffer from arthritis. There are neurological causes of lameness that can look like limping and diseases that can cause joint pain and stiffness. The limping dog…
The Itchy Dog
There are many causes of pruritus (itchiness) in dogs. We all have an occasional itch that needs scratching, but when the itch persists or is associated with broken skin or hair-loss, it is time to see the doctor. In dogs, reasons for an incessant itch can include skin parasites; fungal, bacterial and yeast infections; food…
Submissive Urination Behavior
Dogs are descendants of pack animals, and they retain many of their wild canine instincts. Packs have well established hierarchies and strict greeting gestures that confirm each member’s position within the group. These behaviors are essential to keep the pack working as a unit. Whether hunting prey, establishing territory, or protecting their offspring, each member…
Spaying Your Dog
Spaying, or ovariohysterectomy, is a surgical sterilization procedure that can provide major health benefits for dogs. Here are some important facts you should know before getting your dog spayed. THE SPAY SURGERY The ovariohysterectomy is an abdominal surgery that is performed under general anesthesia. Your dogs belly will be shaved and cleansed, and an incision…